Thankful for Family-oh, family, they are what keep us going! We always have fun posing for pictures! I have a bunch of clowns in my family-at least it feels like it. Like I said, it is FuN, we laugh a lot!
include a pumpkin
make it shabby
I used this sketch from the Let's Get Sketchy challenge:
I have discovered that I love using scrapbook sketches. I usually don't even know where to start with a scrapbook page and these sketches are so convienent. I just wish my photos were better. Guess I get to practice more this year! Practice makes perfect, right?
All of my elements are digital from
Scrapbookgraphics Studio Manu-Treasures of Yesterday, except the pumpkin which I got free from the internet somewhere. I know, I should keep better records....
Hope you like it! I had fun putting it together.
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