I have been preoccupied lately with "stuff." I do "stuff." I watch "stuff." I listen to "stuff." It's all "stuff." But I want to share with you something that isn't just "stuff."
This year has been a hard one for my family and myself. We along with many other people have struggled with finances. The economy has changed drastically in the last several years, so when things change so quickly it is very hard to adjust and challenges are many. Because of these financial struggles I've had to rely more on others, family, and most importantly God. I have found that this Christmas time is the best I've ever had in my whole life because of Him.
Without the preparations of righteous people who believe that there is a God, I would be without food for my family. I would probably be homeless, and without the necessities of life. The service that others provide because they believe that it is the right way to live, and because of the Savior's example to serve others, has greatly impacted my quality of life and those of my family. I want to reach out and thank all those good and kind and believing people for the wonderful and good and kind acts of service that they perform.
Here is a BIG THANK-YOU!
I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. We believe in Christ. We talk of Christ and we do everything we can to be like him. Now, we/ I am not perfect-who is? Only Christ was perfect. I try to be like him, not perfect. I and many who believe in Him try to be better people, and because of that I can rejoice at this Christmas time. I won't have much in the way of gifts to open on Christmas Day and neither will my boys or my husband, but we can feel the peace that comes when we wake up in our warm home, and eat our Christmas dinner and give thanks to Him and those that serve him. I am so grateful to Christ and to all of his followers, my family, and friends, and to my blog followers, and I wanted you all to know that.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving wonderful, uplifting comments! I am so grateful for all the hope and love that you give me.
And to all, I hope you have a
Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!
I'll be back in January.