Monday, November 28, 2011

That Time of Year!

Hi everyone, it's that time of year again, yes, you guessed it----tax season! Well, not quite yet, but I am back to work and that means less time to craft cards. I will still be creating some cards but not on a week-to-week basis. I know I don't do a lot right now and this back to work thing will really reduce my time to make cards, but on the bright side I will be making some money to purchase more supplies! Yeah!

Okay, so that isn't the greatest thing that could happen. To my family though, it is pretty good, they get to maybe a treat every once in a while, and I get to be able to pay my bills. Nowadays that is something not everyone can do. Anyway, I am going to try to keep posting every week at least once. Hopefully you'll keep coming back to look...

Happy Holidays!

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