Thursday, October 20, 2016

Simple Joy

Oh, how I love that smile! My youngest grandson is so adorable. He is two+ and learning so many things. It is fun to watch and interact with him.

Entered in challenge: 
CraftYourPassionChallenge #334-
Always Anything Goes
Scrapping4FunChallenges #76


Lia said...

A big smile of me to this cute little boy (and the LO!)
Lia DT S4F

K M Meena Herale said...

Beautiful layout. Cute smile.
Thank you for joining us at Scrapping4funChallenge and waiting to see next time.

Meena DT

Shari said...

Thanks Meena and Lia!

FiestyCrafter (Tina) said...

Adorable layout and grandson :o) Thanks for joining us at Scrapping4fun
Tina dt

Scrapping4funChallenges said...

Beautiful layout, adorable little boy
Please remember to follow us
Thank you for your entry at Scrapping4funChallenges.
Rachelle DT

nocne życie said...

beauty card and beautiful colors.
Thank you that you took part in the challenge on Scrapping4funChallenges
Agnieszka DT