Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A Quote I Want to Remember

Art Journal Page 8.5x11 May 29, 2012
This is the first page I've done for the AJC2012series. I have been working on other projects as you know if you read my blog. I am still trying to figure out if this is how I am supposed to do these pages. I guess if it is my "art" I can do what I want. My insecurities hamper my progress all the time, but my desire to create "art" is so strong that I can't let anything stop my progress. What is that saying...."It takes practice, practice, practice, to get better at anything." I know that isn't how it officially goes, but it is close enough. So, I am going to keep on doing these scrapbook/art journal pages and eventually I think I will stop worrying about what they look like and just create them because I have to just do it. Does this make any sense?